Embrace your Inner Child Workshop for adults

Two hours of storytelling, mindfulness, and stand-up comedy tools to tap into your most creative self: the inner child.

Being vulnerable allows us to see our ideas and express them more confidently. The fear of rejection is a genuine concern in the world of creativity, but it also enables us to develop a thicker skin, fostering innovation and driving success.

Embrace the creativity, authenticity, and wisdom of your inner child

I connected with my inner child in two hours like I wasn’t able to in two years of therapy
— Patricia Herrera
  • Member Illinois Chamber of Commerce

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  • Insidology Founder


Why are people obsessed with Embrace your Inner Child Workshop?

Inner child work allows to see parts you couldn’t see before, allowing individuals to be more empathetic with each other.

This can foster a more inclusive culture by encouraging understanding and empathy for diverse perspectives and experiences. It supports DEI initiatives by creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued.


“Ana takes you on a journey where you jump into your memories and hug your inner child. You remember things that might be blocked that can help you achieve your dreams, even at 45, you realize is never too late.”


Benefits of connecting with Inner Child:

  1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Encouraging employees to reconnect with their inner child can stimulate creativity. It fosters a mindset open to exploration, risk-taking, and fresh perspectives, leading to innovative solutions.

  2. Improved Team Dynamics: Understanding one's inner child can promote empathy and better communication within teams. It encourages a more supportive and understanding environment, enhancing collaboration.

  3. Increased Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the inner child helps individuals recognize and manage emotions better. This heightened emotional intelligence translates into improved conflict resolution and more effective leadership.

  4. Boosted Morale and Motivation: Addressing and healing past experiences through inner child work can alleviate stress and boost morale. It helps employees find passion and purpose in their work, leading to increased motivation.

  5. Stronger Resilience: By acknowledging and working through past experiences, individuals become more resilient. This resilience allows them to adapt better to change and navigate challenges effectively.

  6. Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Inner child work can foster a more inclusive culture by encouraging understanding and empathy for diverse perspectives and experiences. It supports DEI initiatives by creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

  7. Enhanced Leadership Skills: Leaders who engage in inner child work often exhibit improved self-awareness and empathy, making them more effective in understanding and guiding their teams.